The Rankin County School District will build the schools and parents capacity for strong parental engagement, in order to ensure effective engagement of parents and to support a partnership among the school involved, parents and the community to improve student academic achievement, through the following activities specifically described below. Teachers will select which assignments qualify for a redo opportunity with the exception of term/semester exams or Dual Enrollment/Advanced Placement courses that are considered college caliber courses and are guided by external institutions. Brandon, MS 39042 The principal and/or Disciplinary Determination Committee, when contemplating the length of a given expulsion recommendation, and the Superintendent and/or Board, when contemplating a given expulsion, shall consider the following factors prior to making such recommendation or decision: 1. Similarly, gym shoes are required to participate in PE for safety reasons. Leave or enter the bus at any place other than their assigned school or assigned bus stop without prior approval from their principal or transportation director. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. 3. Providing other reasonable support for parental engagement activities under section 1116 as parents may request. Training parents to enhance the engagement of other parents; 5. School Admission (JBC) It is the intent of the Board that students not be scheduled to have more than two tests on any school day. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: handguns, bomb, grenade, rocket with propellant of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine, rifle, starter pistol, any firearm muffler/silencer or any form of any such weapon or as defined by state law. Northwest Middle School Home We are KMS Student Dress Code Dress Code KMS Dresscode If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Violation of any of these rules may result in the administration of appropriate disciplinary action by the school principal including, but not limited to, corporal punishment and/or loss of bus transportation services indefinitely for the remainder of the school year. Checks will be accepted for lunch/breakfast sales. Pelahatchie, MS 39145 The School Board hereby authorizes principals to charge reasonable fees, but not more than the actual cost, for the following categories: 1. If the cough is productive and has phlegm or is associated with fever or trouble breathing, keep your child home from school and arrange to have the child seen by their pediatrician immediately. Direct observation and/or confirmation by a Rankin County School District employee of drug and/oralcohol use or possession; 2. Activity Student means a member of any school enrolled in grades 7-12 or any other middle school or high school student enrolled in a sponsored extra-curricular organization. Rankin County School District (RCSD) provides the privilege of Internet access to district faculty, staff, students, and occasionally guests. All records which contain personally identifiable data, other than directory information and materials necessary to daily instruction, shall be maintained and stored in a secure and fire resistant container or location. Students in grades K-6 shall not be permitted to participate in any interscholastic competitive sports program. Field Trips (JFC) Student Insurance Program (EGB) Fax:601.893.0114, FLORENCE MIDDLE SCHOOL 110 Northshore Parkway There will be opportunities for students to be out of uniform. In the effort to provide quality education to all students, the Board encourages schools within the district to provide academic, cultural, recreational, and aesthetic programs that provide activities targeted toward developing the total student. The term does not include dietary or nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals and proteins that can be lawfully purchased over-the-counter. It is the responsibility of the employee and student to maintain this email account appropriately. Assignments of term, semester, and final grades shall be made as follows. Not even in gym locker! Dress Code & Uniform Policy - About - Northwest Middle School About Dress Code & Uniform Policy Dress Code & Uniform Policy Coming soon! Upon written request, a students transcript will be sent to any designated agency, college, or school. The procedures for searching the person or property of the individual students shall be as follows: (a) Searches or inspections of students or their property will be authorized by the principal or his designee only. The school district will, with the assistance of its Title I, Part A schools, provide assistance to parents of children served by the school district or school, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following. Progress reports sent to parents shall indicate grades and the attendance record of the student to date. The student, parents, or guardians shall fully cooperate with the school and testing laboratory, its employees, and by enrollment in the school or extra-curricular activity consents to fully cooperate with the terms of this policy, the school and the testing laboratory. Rankin County School District will work with the Rankin County Department of Human Services and other agencies to make a determination regarding the educational placement of a homeless student. Any cost of installation is the responsibility of the donor unless otherwise agreed to by the school district. Grades/credits earned through home schooling and non-accredited schools will not count towards Valedictorian and Salutatorian. Someone will come to you to sign you in and your food will . The procedures for challenging the content of education records; 5. b. The superintendent has determined that the child was making satisfactory educational progress in the previous state. Parents should consult with their healthcare provider or a pharmacist to make sure treatment is appropriate for the student and for treatment recommendations. C. A tablet Make harassing gestures or comments, sexual or otherwise. If approved, the referral will then be sent to the Alternative Education Center principal on or before the entrance conference date. Haga clic aqu para ver ms detalles sobre los reglamentos y procedimientos con respecto a aparatos electrnicos. Florence, MS 39073 Kindergarten5th 7. 8. If any person damages the device it will be the users (parent/guardian in the case of a student) responsibility and the damage cost policy will be in effect. Forge signatures on bus discipline reports. Sagging is not allowed. Flowood, MS 39232 Phone:601.825.6140 The District shall not assume responsibility for damage to vehicles. Students with eligibility rulings for special educational services shall be promoted or retained based upon mastery of skills specified in their Individual Educational Plan and a decision reached by the IEP committee and principal to assure least restrictive environment. Section 504 Procedures (Students) (IDDHB) 4. There will be no exclusionary discipline for Level 1 dress code violations. 6. other appropriate documentation/verification. The method of instruction will be determined by the local school based on available resources andcan include use of an on-line, computer-based, or a teacher delivery system. However, if the students level of marijuana metabolites increases during this removal period,this finding is to reflect a second positive and the student is to be immediately placed in the Alternative School for two nine-week periods and will be removed from extracurricular activities for a calendar year. Procedures to be followed for acts requiring discipline, 3. The professional testing laboratory shall confirm an initial positive test result by a second test of the same before a report is made to the District. The dress code provides expectations which model good citizenship, teach grooming and hygiene, instill discipline, prevent disruptions, minimize safety hazards, and teach respect for authority. The primary goal of the School Guidance Counseling Program is to promote and enhance student learning through the three broad and interrelated areas of student development. Users are expected to respect the web filter and shall not attempt to circumvent the filter when browsing the Internet. Any persons attempting to disrupt proceedings will be subject to immediate action on the basis of contempt or arrest and ejection from the building. Rankin County School District will reserve a portion of Title IA funds to servehomeless students. The student attempts to or inflicts or threatens serious bodily injury upon another person while at school, on school premises, or at a school function under the jurisdiction of Rankin County School District or off campus as to create a presumption of unwarranted violent behavior which might constitute a threat to the safety or well being of others. At such meetings, the principal and student involved may appear and make a brief summary of the facts and circumstances in support of or against a particular charge or charges and in support of or against the disciplinary decision with respect thereto. If the student wishes to withdraw from dual credit college course(s), the student MUST complete a signed form with the high school counselor and complete requirements to withdraw through thecollege within the designated time frame set forth by the college. Grades 4-12: A student has failed two (2) grades; 3. Graduation Requirements (IHF), Graduation Exercises (IHFC) Treat school resources carefully and alert staff if there is any problem with their operation. North Hills Elementary School; Northwest Middle School; Old Richmond Elementary School; Old Town Elementary School . Our mission and our obligation under the law is to ensure that our schools are safe spaces for learning, where all students regardless of immigration status, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, nationality, gender, gender identity, or any other protected classification are respected and have access to a quality education. Students excluded from this requirement are those determined to be incapable of school attendance by school officials as based on medical documentation or an identified handicapping condition, and those in a legitimate home instruction program as determined by a school attendance officer. Brandon, MS 39042 The JPS Board of Trustees has approved a mandatory dress code policy for all elementary and middle schools. Nivel 4: El estudiante perder el uso de su armario para un mes. 2. Any district employee who uses the RCSD network inappropriately is subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. Periodic review shall be a part of the implementation of the plan with revisions made as deemed appropriate by the superintendent. 1st damage, 2nd damage) AND by incident type (i.e. A child with a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater must stay home from school until the fever is gone. For security purposes, the cumulative folders and permanent records SHALL be kept in separate locations. 5805 Highway 25 Our mission and our obligation under the law is to ensure that our schools are safe spaces for learning, where all students regardless of immigration status, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, nationality, gender, gender identity, or any other protected classification are respected and have access to a quality education. Any potential problems identified during the screening will be reported to the parent, guardian, or custodian. NORTHWEST RANKIN MIDDLE SCHOOL 6th-8th Principal: Shea Taylor 5805 Highway 25 Flowood, MS 39232 Phone: 601.992.1329 Fax: 601.992.1347 . If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. It is further understood that this policy will be in addition to existing Board policy concerning the prohibition of the use of tobacco products by students on school property and school buses. Reasonable suspicion must be based on specific contemporaneous physical, behavioral or performance indicators of probable drug and/or alcohol use, which can be articulated. The procedures established by the District for hearings to challenge content of records maintained by the District; 6. We have set high expectations, and are working diligently to ensure that all of our students will reach their highest potential and offer assistance to those that need it. Seq. *Virtual attendance policies were adjusted on July 21, 2021, in accordance with SBE changes on July 15, 2021. The permission for self-administration of asthma medications shall be in effect for the school year in which it is granted, necessitating renewal each school year. Time out of school may be longer, depending upon a diagnosis and/or physician recommendation. Violations of this policy may have disciplinary consequences, including: Suspension of network, technology, or computer privileges; Detention or suspension from school and school-related activities; Employment disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment; Employees, students, and parents/guardians shall be required to sign the Districts Acceptable Use Policy as part of the districts Technology Handbook before Internet or network access shall be allowed. Students may, pending appeal, be required to make up class time on an hour-for-hour basis in order to remove the IA status. If any police or court official requests the dismissal of a student during school hours, parents should be notified as soon thereafter as possible. B. Un reloj inteligente Principal:Dr. Yarby Anderson Unless otherwise directed by the presiding assistant superintendent, no formal oath shall be administered to those appearing before the DDC. Illegal and performance-enhancing drug, alcohol, or steroid use of any kind is incompatible with the physical, mental, and emotional demands placed upon participants in extra-curricular activities and with the positive image these students project to other students and to the community on behalf of the District. Following is the procedure for grade placement of students that transfer into Rankin County School District from a non-accredited school or who have been at a non-accredited home school. Exceptions may be made when circumstances warrant such and will be based on the recommendation of a physician and the approval of the principal after consideration of the students scholastic record and causes of absence. We are excited to have you and your student as part of our Kidder Nation. Any Voluntary Student who tests positive or refuses a drug test under this policy shall be subject to the following consequences: 1. If a belt is needed, it must stay on. The final decision regarding grade placement is to be made by the School Principal. When a student is expelled for criminal behavior or activity, the Superintendent shall notify the parent/guardian/custodian, youth court, and law enforcement of such action, in writing. More Information: Mandatory Dress Code Procedures (PDF) Student Code of Conduct and Handbook (PDF) Tops (shirts and blouses) must be navy blue or white. The Rankin County School District seeks to affirm its commitment to creating healthy and responsible teens in the Rankin County School District by fully complying with the Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated, Section 37-13-171, and by: Adopting educational programs designed to help students and parents take action to reduce rates of teen birth and sexually transmitted infections and integrating such programs into already established classes, and. %"AjX;*0FjULp#kqi(KTS1$ulThR/M/*1Tp>Jr xlWT. Students in grades 9-12 should document 50 plus hours of volunteer service each year. Students must receive services, such as transportation, while disputes arebeing settled. A hostile environment means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying or harassing behavior and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that it is inappropriate bullying or harassing behavior. Rapid naming (quickly naming objects, pictures, colors, or symbols (letters or digits) aloud. 6. **Students will re-enter local schools ONLY after grading period has ended. This is a safety concern that SIC (School Improvement Committee) and SCC (School Community Council) voted on last year. Admission requirements for the District shall be as follows: 1. If the student transfers to another school, the cumulative folder shall be furnished to the head of the school to which the student transfers. what does the name carter mean in hebrew, newaygo county jail inmate lookup, upcoming autograph signings 2022,
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